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第八十四章 见习侦探(18上)
小说名称:《快穿之反派洗白攻略》 作者:祀浔 字数:2781 更新时间:2018-12-03 15:18:19
     “I know your help, but I also want to know your purpose at the same time.”(我知道你对我的帮助,可是我同时也想知道你与此同时的目的)

        “Lucifer, these are too crude. It's just that we are one kind of people.”(路西法,说这些太生疏了。只是因为我们是一类人而已)

        “Oh, now is not the time to say polite things.”(哦,现在可不是说客套话的时候。)


        “Well, maybe we should change the topic. For instance, it seems that you have a good relationship with her.”(那好吧,或许我们该换个话题,比如看起来你和她的关系很不错)

        “Are you asking me to say I don't mind her death?”(你是让我说我不介意她的死活吗)不知道为什么,贺望舒总觉得沈佑安在说这句话的时候语气也有些不耐——明明是那么无所谓的语气啊。

        “No, no, no. I can't bear it.”(不,不。我可舍不得)

        “Hate to part with or use? You know they have nothing to do with them.”(舍不得?你知道她们没什么关系)

        孔恺枫轻笑了一声,缓缓道:“It seems that you also have something you don't know.”(看来你也有不知道的事情)

        出乎意料的,沈佑安脸上是一贯的朗月清风,似乎对这个结果不甚在意:“So what do you want?”(所以你想怎么样?)

        “My friend, We will have time to talk about this matter.”(我的朋友,我们会有时间好好地谈谈这件事情的)


        “At least not now.”(起码不是现在)

        “You mean at the police station?”(你是说在警察局吗?)沈佑安毫不留情面地讪笑一声。

        “You can't have no sense of humor, friend. I think we should sit on a wide and clean table and talk about it face to face. And the woman you care about will be very honored to watch the whole process.”(朋友,你可不能那么没幽默感。我想我们应该会坐在一张宽大整洁的餐桌上,面对面地仔细谈这件事情。而那位你在意的女士则会非常荣幸地旁观到整个过程)

        沈佑安蹙眉,却是头一次地抓错重点:“The lady I care very much about? I think you must have failed your language teacher.”(我非常在意的那位女士?我想你一定辜负了你的语文老师)

        孔恺枫只是笑:“I like your humor.”(我喜欢你的幽默)

        “You know what I mean. About that woman, whatever you want. But I want you to feel something on a certain day, so that you can look better on that day. That way, you will be handsome in second days' headlines.”(你懂我的意思。关于那个女人,你想怎么样就怎么样。但我希望你在某一天感觉到一件事情,从而让你在那一天打扮地好看一点。那样你在第二天报纸头条上的照片会英俊很多)

        孔恺枫笑答:“Ok, I think I will be very happy then.”(好吧,我想那个时候我会很高兴的)

        “Really? As you wish.”(真的吗?如你所愿)


        “It's disappointing. Obviously you said we were friends first.”(真是让人失望啊,明明你最开始说我们是朋友的)

        “I don't think I will make a friend who satirize me most.”(我想我不会让一个极尽对我讽刺的人做我的朋友)

        “All right. Actually, I just want to say hello to you today. In order to thank you for giving me this name, I decided to give you a gift.”(好吧好吧。其实今天我只是和你打个招呼。为了感谢你给我取得这个名字,我决定送你一个回礼)

        “That's too bad.”(那可真是太糟糕了)

        “It's really not at all understanding, but my gift has never been delivered.”(真是一点都不善解人意,不过我的礼物从来没有送不出去的道理)

        “If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder, I think my medical school friend will receive a valuable specimen.”(如果你有强迫症的话,我想我医学院的朋友会因此收到一个宝贵的标本了)

        “I said I like your humor.”(我说过我喜欢你的幽默)

        “Uh huh, but I don't think our communication is pleasant.”(嗯哼,但我觉得我们这次的交流并不愉快)

        “I promise I will be happier next time. Don't worry, this will happen soon.”(我敢保证下一次会愉快的多。不要忧虑,这就会发生在不久之后)

        孔恺枫笑着说完这句话,眼中深沉一片:“I'm looking forward to your performance. This is really my best dessert.”(我很期待你的表现,这可真是我最好的甜点了)

        沈佑安眉头也不眨:“It's rare for me to hear such a disgusting analogy.”(难得会听到这么让人恶心的比喻)


        但又听沈佑安在后面意犹未尽地补充道:“In the final analysis, it is just a imitation of that person. You are far behind him.”(归根结底也只不过是模仿那个人而已,你可比他差远了)


        “I said, I like your humor very much.”(我说过,我挺喜欢你的幽默的)

        “Is it? I hope so.”(是吗?但愿吧)
