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第八十三章 帅哥陪美女
小说名称:《陌上谁家少年时》 作者:望梦 字数:1025 更新时间:2018-12-03 18:53:14

        “However, even if you refuse Mia now, your family will arrange for you to marry the right person.”(然而,即使你现在拒绝米娅,你的家人接下来也会给你安排门当户对的结婚对象的。)


        Jason抚慰性的的拍了拍丹尼尔的肩膀,“Brother, this is your destiny. Brother, I'm powerless, too.”(兄弟,这是你的命运。你哥哥我也无能为力了。)


        “Is this your first time here? Jason and I are half-owners, Naturally, I want to show you around well.”(这是你第一次来这里吗?杰森和我算是半个东道主,自然,我们也想带你到处看看。)

        夏小天挑了挑眉毛,眼神看向下面交谈正欢的人群,“I'm afraid I'm not the only one down here for the first time. I guess I'm not the only one who needs your attention.”(恐怕不是只有我第一次来这里。我想我不是唯一需要你们照顾的人。)

        “Don't worry. The organizers of this financial conference are paying a lot of money. Everyone will be taken very good care of. And a beautiful woman like you, naturally, needs two handsome men to take care of her.”(别担心。这次金融会议的组织者可是花了大价钱的。每个人都会得到很好的照顾。像你这样漂亮的女孩儿自然需要两个帅哥来照顾。)




        “This party is the most boring, People here are here to talk business and get partners. Boring as hell.”(这个聚会是最无聊的,这里的人都来这里谈生意和找伙伴。无聊死了。)